Dental caries, cavities, tooth decay. No matter what you call the breakdown of your tooth enamel, you probably associate it with a stressful trip to the dentist — one that involves painful needles and drills. But here at Shoreview Dental, we have a much more advanced and less stressful process for halting the decay of your teeth.
Our process is called Medical Management of Caries, or MMC for short. Developed by Dr. Duffin, MMC involves the placement of silver diamine fluoride on decayed surfaces, immediately followed by the application of a fluoride varnish. This treatment effectively kills the decay — without having to resort to needles and drills.
Our dentists have 10 years of experience using the MMC treatments in our office. We’ve found that this minimally invasive treatment reduces anxiety and is well-accepted by our patients. It’s been a particularly effective treatment for children and seniors.
Don’t let anxiety keep you from dealing with that cavity. Instead, count on Shoreview Dental to make the treatment of your tooth decay more relaxing than you ever thought possible. We’re proud to serve patients from Salem, Keizer, Woodburn, and Hayesville, so call
us today at (503) 455-4156! Download our new patient forms
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