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How to Encourage Optimal Oral Health in Children

January 4, 2024

Your child's oral health is an important part of their overall well-being. Tooth decay is one of the most common types of childhood chronic diseases. According to Shortlister, an expert wellness vendor database, nearly 70% of parents say their children have felt pain caused by dental issues. A lot of time, this pain can be avoided if good oral health habits were put in place early on. Let's look at a few ways parents can help their children in this area.

Start Dental Visits Early

Dental visits should be started early in your child's life. Our professionals recommend that a child first visit the dentist six months after the appearance of their first tooth. When you start dental visits early, it helps to teach your child that this aspect of their health is a lifelong priority.

Stay Consistent With Dental Service Visits

Dental visits are the most beneficial when they are done consistently. Our experts recommend scheduling at least two dental visits a year. During a dental visit, your child's teeth will be professionally cleaned. A thorough exam of the teeth and mouth can catch dental issues early. A top-tier dentist will bring these issues to your attention, provide necessary dental services, and provide you with helpful advice regarding your child's oral health.

Start Brushing as Soon as Teeth Appear

As soon as your baby's first tooth appears, it's time to start brushing or at least cleaning the baby's teeth. At first, you can do this with a clean damp cloth and a small amount of toothpaste. We recommend doing this twice a day, just as you would clean your own teeth.

Always Supervise Dental Care

Your children will likely need supervision for their dental care for many years. Until your child is performing all dental care without needing assistance, you must keep helping. When left to themselves, most children will not brush effectively or brush at all. Reach out to our team for guidance on how to build great dental practices with your kids.

Do Not Use Bottles or Sippy Cups at Night

Bottles and sippy cups filled with juice or milk at night will cause severe tooth decay in children. Children should only have water once their teeth have been brushed at night. Keeping this tip in mind will benefit your child's long-term health.

In general, sugary drinks should be kept to a minimum. Liquids like tea, lemonade, and juice will coat the teeth in sugar, which is difficult to fully clean when brushing.

Follow Up With Dental Service Work

If a dentist has determined that your child will need dental work, it's critical to make sure that follow-up appointments are scheduled in a timely manner. If you skip recommended dental work, it could have negative consequences on your child's overall health in the future. It's okay to discuss dental work with the dentist to better understand why a certain treatment is being recommended. A helpful dental service will answer any questions you may have about the work they provide and the benefits your child should expect.

Encourage Flossing

It may already seem like a struggle to get your children to brush regularly, but it is important that you establish good flossing habits as well. Flossing is one of the most powerful ways to prevent gum diseases such as gingivitis. Gingivitis isn't common among children, but a lack of flossing can lead to an increased incidence of cavities. Tooth decay, even in baby teeth, can cause problems for permanent teeth later on. Establishing a good flossing habit now will help your children maintain this routine for years to come.

Discourage Bad Oral Habits

There are many smaller habits that are bad for your teeth. These can include nail biting, thumb sucking, biting objects, and chewing ice, to name a few. It's important that you discourage your child from these behaviors to protect their teeth. Speak with a reliable dentist to learn more about the root causes of these habits and how your kids can be encouraged to drop them.

These are just a few of the ways you can help improve your child's oral health and guide them to prioritize this aspect of their wellness. If you're looking for expert dental services for the whole family, please contact Shoreview Dental today! We are dedicated to delivering an exceptional and comfortable experience for our patients.

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