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How to Treat Your First Cavity

July 3, 2024

Cavities can be unsettling, but they are surprisingly common. According to Forbes, about 90% of adults nationwide have had at least one cavity. You may notice a cavity and symptoms of one and instantly feel discouraged. However, there’s no need to feel bad. Instead, it’s essential to know how to treat your first cavity. There are several things to discover, including how to see if you should contact local dentists. This article will cover everything you need to know.

Symptoms of Cavities

There are some apparent signs of cavities. You may notice a hole in your tooth, an instant cavity indicator. Heading to the dentist's office immediately is essential to prevent infection. Tooth sensitivity is a common sign in early cavities. Pain and discomfort are the most common signs dentists see. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to schedule an appointment.

Proper Diagnosis

It’s crucial to head to a local dentist even if you know you have signs of a cavity. Dentists can perform an examination and take X-rays to determine if there is a cavity. Imaging is typically necessary so a dentist can see how large the cavity is and how far it goes down. Seeing the cavity can help them determine the proper treatment to address the issue. The dentist will also discuss anything that may have caused the cavity, such as oral hygiene.

Filling the Cavity

Fillings are not the only treatment option, but they are the most common. A dentist will drill out the cavity in the tooth and then replace the area with a filling. Fillings are often made from porcelain, resin, or several other materials. The location of the filling may determine what material it is. The filling will set in the tooth, and then you can return to normal eating and drinking. However, there are several other treatment options.

Other Treatments

Cavities that infect the tooth's pulp below the gums often call for a root canal. Sometimes, a root canal is necessary, depending on where the cavity is. That’s why dentists need to take X-rays. Some cavities call for a crown or cap. These are commonly used for large cavities in which the dentist has to drill away too much of the tooth. The cap fits over the remaining portion of the tooth and functions like a tooth. However, avoiding sticky foods if you have a cap is essential because they can pull it off.

Pain Management

Pain and cavities often go hand in hand. Dentists may prescribe pain medication to help you find relief. Make sure you take the medication as directed. You can also find relief with over-the-counter products, such as Ibuprofen. Avoid foods that cause more pain, such as hard foods. If your teeth are sensitive, don’t eat foods that are too hot or cold until your cavity is treated. This can help you feel more comfortable until you have an appointment.

After Treatment

Depending on your treatment, dentists will give you additional instructions to follow after treatment. Patients with large fillings in the front teeth are usually told not to bite into hard things. Root canals can get infected over time, so watching for signs of infection is crucial. Anyone with a cap must avoid sticky things, especially caramel. If the cap is ripped off the gum, there is an increased risk of infection.

Cavity Prevention

Dentists often try to find the underlying cause of cavities to help you prevent them in the future. They can help you establish an oral hygiene routine or teach you how to floss. Dental sealant treatments put a protective coating over the teeth to help prevent cavities. Many dentists automatically do this for children. Changing your diet may help if you eat a lot of sugar or drink sugary drinks. Fluoride often helps prevent cavities, so your dentist may recommend fluoride treatments. Ask your dentist if you should use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash to prevent cavities.

Discovering you have your first cavity can be horrifying. Cavities can be uncomfortable and painful. However, dentists will work hard to get you an appointment as quickly as possible so you can receive treatment. If you are struggling with a cavity or want to work on further preventing them, come visit us at Shoreview Dental today.

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